Crying I embark the balcony,
The railing stopping me in my tracks
And supporting my weight, I look up.
From the clouds emerges a snowflake.
The dawdling movements mesmerize.
Two older folks entering my domain.
They name me before leaving.
The flake continues its journey downward.
Its movements are unpredictable
A girl my age enters the playing field.
She stands next to me; looking at the sky
My gaze remains held by the flake.
She calls me by the same name; asking for my attention
The same name those folks named me.
Humouring her I ask her what she wants.
She presses her lips against the ones I feel.
My eyes never stop receiving light from the flake.
Always falling to its destination.
The girl has already left, closing the door behind her.
It creates a vacuum.
The vacuum allows the flake to readjust its direction.
The girl gives an encore
A younger boy is with her.
He asks me to name him.
I give him the most obvious name possible.
Afterwards she asks me for a drawing
Once more she left.
The Flake is now nearly at the ground
The railing cannot support my weight any longer
I realize now; I have wasted my life watching this flake
Yet I have not even found an answer to my question:
Why does it fall
Whatever the reason; it was beautiful.